Thursday, May 13, 2010

Nerd Girl Tutorial: Conventions for N00bz

So, you are the novice nerd girl. You've read a few graphic novels, watched a handful of episodes of The Big Bang Theory, and get 20% of the jokes in XKCD. You've tasted sweet nerdy glory, and you want more.

So it's time to go to your first convention. Chances are, a city nearby will do one. Otherwise, road trip. San Diego and DragonCon are the big dogs. I've actually yet to make it to either (I live in the Northeast, and I'm a student- money is the issue.)

First. Bring a friend. Bring two friends. Bring all of your friends. No one goes in alone. You're already going into a nerdy, nerdy minefield. Have some backup, preferably a sort of con mentor who has done this before. I had the illustrious Nerd Girl Shelley on my side.

Second. Decide if you want to dress up. If any girl in your party is dressing up, you should, too. Unless you don't like attention. Otherwise, the costumed girl is going to get loads of attention, and you'll be the friend just hanging around. It can get old waiting around for people to take pictures of your friend while you hold your purse.

Third. WEAR. COMFORTABLE. SHOES. I can't say this loudly enough. Yes, the heels or the boots are supercute. But cons involve a LOT of walking.

Fourth. Bring a bag. Yes, Yes, I know, Supergirl. "But the big giant tote bag doesn't match my cape." Suck it up, kiddo. You're going to want to bring things, or buy things, or carry your wallet, camera, and cell phone.

Fifth. Bring food. Convention food is expensive, and notoriously awful. There aren't usually rules against squirreling away your own food.

Sixth. Artists' Alley. Now, the thing with artists' alley is, they're here to sell their art, not hang out with you. Don't waste their time by pretending you're going to buy something if you're not planning to.

Seventh. Play nice. Seriously. Don't be a jerk. People reappear at cons, and everyone will remember the Batgirl with the bad attitude.

Any more advice for con newbies? Leave it in the comments!