Monday, August 24, 2009

Nerd Girl Digression: On Blogging

I have a confession to make: I saw a chick flick tonight and liked it. I feel so dirty.

The film: Julie and Julia.

It's about a blogger and a chef. Who never meet. It's pretty much a good movie (Julia) and a decent movie (Julie) smashed together. Julie Powell had two things I don't have: a set objective and a deadline. I can't even imagine what my objective would be as a Nerd Girl: read every Star Wars book? Watch every episode of every Star Trek? Not interactive enough.

Blogging is about passion. It's about having a vision, much clearer than the one I don't have. All I have are a few key facts. I'm a female nerd. There aren't many of us, but we're vocal. I read XKCD and laugh. I go to midnight showings of the appropriate movies. Every summer, I reread the entire Harry Potter series (at the cost of reading more books, usually.) For the next year, I am going to write about something at least three times a week. The news, the movies. Something. Anything.

Starting tomorrow.

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