Monday, February 15, 2010

Nerd Girl Flirting: The Importance of Being Earnest

I used to try a lot harder.

But then, all through college, having fallen in with a group of people to whom D&D is an acceptable way to spend a Saturday night, I realized: guys don't notice this crap.

For instance:

A few months back, a friend was having a party after a week of snow, ice, and misery. I decided to doll myself up a bit. I wore a cute dress, makeup, the whole nine yards. The only compliment I got all night from the group of boys I run with? Aimed toward my Batgirl watch. More recently, something similar happened with a Star Wars lunchbox, and later a Batman belt. I can't even count the number of conversations based around nerdy references that get dropped.

Lesson learned. Big Bang Theory, Superhero movies, technology crazes: being a nerd is officially cool again. So, nerd girls: the key really is to be yourself. Wear that D20 necklace. The Star Wars shirt? Do it.

One warning, though: The Leia slave outfit IS too much for a first date. Your mother's right: wait until the third date.

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