Friday, July 17, 2009

HBP Clusterpost Part 1: Trailer Park

Part One of the four part extravaganza Harry Potter post! The review of the Trailers!

SHORTS: this is the movie your eight-year old brother wants to see. everyone else in your family wonders if they can sneak to another theater.

WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE: Jury's out on this one. I know Kevin Smith is crying tears of joy over it, but this could be really lame. The trailer is Max running a lot. Like a whole lot. I wonder if anything else happens. Or maybe this kid just runs a lot.

SHERLOCK HOLMES: DO WANT. I like RDJ, Law is great, I just want to be watching it right now.

DESPICABLE ME: Computer animated flick starring Steve Carell as a villain who steals the Great Pyramid. Interesting little vignette teaser. I don't know if I got it.

2012: Another disaster movie. Who cares?

FAME: Looks very generic, but had a really clever Harry Potter lead-in

NEW MOON: Ugh. I hate Twilight. At least the werewolves look better than the Harry Potter ones.

9: looks pretty great. Elijah Wood is a great adorable hero voice. Looks like a logical followup for kids who liked Nightmare and Coraline.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy that the werewolves for New Moon are not in fact, naked. /o/

    Also Sherlock Holmes, DO WANT.
